Plasma Latte

a little bit of art and other stuff


Practice, practice and practice

are the best ways to improve your own art.

I’ve been doing a bit of sketching and study lately but haven’t actually completed any art but i guess atleast I’m still practicing at getting better. Art is hard sometimes because I feel like I have to be in a certain mood to do it, especially painting. Anyways here are some sketches and stuff I’ve been working on lately.

First one is lyrics from Perfume’s Dream Fighter, I was happy with it until I printed it out. I think if I created my own text for these they would come out a bit better. The second one is a motivational I made for my twin sister of a quote from The Alchemist. There is so many great quotes to choose from, from that book. Such a great book with a powerful message or messages.

First image is a study of hands that I did so I could work out the best pose for an artwork that I am creating. It will be a series of scenes from a dream I had a long time ago which I have never forgotten. It had a pretty inspiring message which I sometimes forget. In the dream I am drowning and I can’t reach the top of the water, like something is pulling me down. My hand starts becoming pixellated and then starts disappearing until someone reaches into the water and pulls me out. The hand that pulled me out was strong and somehow I am completely dry but the person who saved me is nowhere to be seen. I’m on an island and there is a cliff with a person standing at the edge. The person is beautiful, strong, confident and happy. I walk towards her but I suddenly get lifted off the ground by the wind, then I become the wind flowing closer to her and around her to see her face.

I’m way too embarressed to write the rest, sorry folks. :S